
My partner has been away all week at a conference, and despite my best intentions to make this time blog-centric and craftastic, you can see that it hasn’t been so much. It’s quite cold and rainy, and I misplaced my camera a few days ago, so despite having done some interesting projects this morning and yesterday, you’ll have to wait a bit for evidence of them while I curl up with kitten and have warm baths and roasted vegetables by myself.

I’ve been thinking and paper-journaling a lot lately about the balance between work and play, and work-work and personal work, and I’d like to sit down at some point in the near future and try to impart these small epiphanies to you… but, like the project pictures, that is for another day. Suffice it to say that I feel I am doing quite a lot of mental processing, so that should add up to something, eventually, yes?

I think this is only my second ever text-only post. It’s a little boring, isn’t it. Well, instead, imagine if you can how good it smells outside here today – raining all day gently on the freshly blossomed lilac bushes. It’s rich.

Good night for now.


2 Responses

  1. i was reading one of my favorite books, staying healthy with the seasons and reminding myself all the wonderful things about spring. it is the perfect time to sort out all that stuff. “This is nature’s birthing season – time of creation and development. That which is found within us in winter surfaces and wants to come forth in the full bloom of spring to be later nourished by the summer sun and bring the fruits of autumn. This is a good time to take a look at your life and make a new plan. THis can be a new start. Take time to write. . . . let those dreams blossom.” love you page! thanks for the inspirations.

  2. I bought Freeplay – just read a couple pages so far. PLUS I really think you should update with lots of pictures 😉 tee hee *nudge nudge – SHOVE SHOVE*

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